Keeping Hope Alive - D'Arcy McGee Summer School 2024
Turlough O’Donnell SC, Mediator is a barrister and fellow of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. He was elected to the General Council of the Bar of Ireland in 2004 and from 2004 to 2006 chaired the Arbitration and ADR Committee of the Bar Council. Although he qualified as
a CEDR approved mediator in September 2007 he is in ractice as a mediator since July, 2006 and since then he has acted as mediator in a large number and wide variety of cases. In Turlough’s view, grace and compassion is what mediation is all about.
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 3.23MB - Duration: 13:57 m (32 kbps 32000 Hz)